So panic time is almost upon us. Last night, I started to assemble my bike bag, special needs bike bag, run bag and special needs run bag. I had little piles of stuff on the dining room table. I used Polar heart rate monitor and sometimes my Power tap will pick it up and sometimes it won't so I have to use another HR strap for the bike but it won't work with my Polar watch. So that means, using a Polar HR strap for the swim (Tammy's), switch HR straps for the bike and then switch back to Polar HR strap for the run. Except Tammy's strap wasn't working so I bought new batteries. Nope still not working. Ok, it must have be the strap so I went to Running Free and dropped another $150 on last minute stuff. I got home and tried the new HR strap and it still doesn't work. I switched sensors with the old strap, new strap and it STILL doesn't work. It turns out that I didn't have the battery in properly. Presto, old strap works fine. Now I'm stuck with a new HR strap.
I also bought an aero bottle. I seem to have issues with not having enough water bottles. The kids keep losing them and every once in a while, one flies off that back of my bike when I hit a bump. When I got home, I looked at my bike and realized my Power Tap has to be moved to have room for the water bottle but I don't have the extra parts. Arrggghhh. Nothing like leaving things for the last minute.
Last year I bought a soft cargo bag for the Honda Pilot but found out I also need to buy cross bars for the roof rack (yes the bag sat unused for a year) so I started to look around only to find out, the cross bars are very expensive ($400). I went to Canadian Tire last month and they had one on sale for $260 ($100 off) but I thought I could get one cheaper on ebay or something. Nope. Its tough finding the right specifications and the sale ended. I bought one last week at Canadian Tire but it didn't fit. I tried to worm a deal on the newer one that would fit but they said, "no deal" as the sale ended a month ago. I would have to talk to the General Manager for an exception. Well wouldn't you know it, I dealt with the same General Manager several months ago and she was extremely helpful. So helpful, in fact, I wrote an email to the franchise owner and a senior executive, commending her. I popped up to the store and she remembered me! A little chit chat and she gave me the same deal. SWEET!! Now, lets hope the damn thing fits.
Oh yea. We just found out Rebecca has a broken foot for the last six weeks and she's been running around playing soccer and stuff. This will be a fun vacation in Mont Tremblant.
Next up...........Ironman Mont Tremblant (this is going to hurt)
Get rid of all the gadgets and enjoy the day... I know it is tough but make sure you have at least one water bottle every 10 miles, your 300 calories per hour, your electolytes dialed into 250mg/pound of sweat per hour and ENJOY!!
disclaimer: (unless you are trying to qualify for Kona and then get nervous, check your Power Tap, make sure you hydrate and take electrolytes 3 days prior, check the family into another hotel, trade out your wheels for some Zipp 1080 on the back and 808 on the front at Race Day Wheels, make sure you have the fastest wetsuit, Giro Selector Aero helmet?, .... )
You get the idea... ENJOY and Embrace your day!!
Ps: My good friend Bree Wee lost all her gadgets (on purpose) at IM Phillipines and came in second
Enjoy your reward for all your hard work
ReplyDeleteBest of luck Peter!